Thursday 29 March 2012

Session 5 - PR Campaign, Role Models and Writing A Call Sheet.

- Define what a role model is.
- Write a clear set of questions to ask a potential role model.
- Outline why a famous role model would want to be part of a project like this.
- Design social media strategies.
During the session:
The participants agreed that a role model is someone that had been through social hardship and come out the other side ambitious, confident, inspirational, self disciplined, independent, enthusiastic and determined. Although A role model doesn't always mean with good intentions!
The participants found inspirational videos on the internet of role models, particularly those who had been associated with gang crime.
This led us to the question, How could we get them to back our project? What would be in it for them?

- The celebrities would want to back something that might help others who have found themselves in situations like his.
- It is a great PR opportunity as the participants have access to a huge pool of young people who are highly impressionable to other young people and most active on all social media.
Interview Questions:
We tried out a few questions on each other so as to get the answers we wanted from people. "Are you a role model?" seemed too intrusive, "Do you know a role model" would be better and they would still be able to say themselves if they wanted!

In order to access the people you want in your campaign. It is important to condense your manifesto so you can share it on twitter and it will get noticed!

Meanwhile in the Anti Drugs group, They were discussing the logistics of organising a film crew...

Pre-production and The Call Sheet
The call sheet is a vital part of organising a film set, it should have every piece of information about the set as possible so that if anything happens, people know where to be. This is essential as if people are late than the production team lose money. Money = Time.

The participants organised their roles amongst the group. What interested them? What are they good at?
Director, assistant director, producer, runner, art director, make up etc.

The Video
A young boy at a house party, two rooms looking around for where to go, one filled with healthy young people having a good time and being energetic. The other filled with dark, gloomy people who have obviously been under the influence of really bad drugs. The young boy comes out of the house and has to make a decision. "Where do you want to end up?"

Friday 16 March 2012

Session 4 - Completing Proposals, Vox Pops And Pitching To Peabody - 9/3/12

We started off this week's session by working on both of our different group's proposals. We had to define what our campaigns are going to be about and finalise our ideas.

OD on Knowledge

Our campaign idea refined:
We will Provide information and support on drug use, through our campaign Facebook account. We will support the content with a  short film on YouTube, shared through Facebook

The campaign will help young people to make informed decisions when they are offered drugs & or if they are going to take them.

The short film that we are going to create will show how young people typically act and look like when they are on drugs. We will do this by purchasing archive footage and film characters who are within our target audience, watching this archive footage back & reacting to it.

It will have a comedy aspect to it as this will have a deeper impact. We hope that this will help young people to think before the take drugs and understand the consequences.

We will be promoting this campaign by giving out wrist bands with our campaign slogan and flyers at music gigs, festivals and a club night.

We discussed different brands and what they mean to us. We discussed what we wanted our logo to look like. We have an unfinished logo at they moment but are working on it to make it even better. The idea is for us to have a thumb flicking a lighter, possibly a blue flame and to have 'Smoked Media' and 'OD on Knowledge' in boxes above it.

We discussed the importance of branding as a whole and why ours needs to be spot on. Ours needs to stand out and be interesting so that people pay attention to our campaign.

We looked at a short film in a similar style to what we want to do, for some inspiration and to give us an idea of how effective it will be:

I am ?

Our campaign idea refined:
Our campaign is all about finding, supporting and promoting role models through a YouTube campaign, training and school visits supported by a short film.

YouTube and Twitter are the websites that U24’s spend the majority of their time on so this seemed like the right platform.

The purpose of our campaign is to stop “youngers” joining gangs by showing them an alternative
example of successful teenagers / olders. We also want to support and celebrate role models.

After completing our campaign proposals, we went out and spoke to other young people through vox pops. Vox pops are mini interviews on film that only have 2/3 questions answered. We wanted to find out what other young people think a role model is and if they consider themselves to be one.

Although we already have a completed logo we wanted to improve it to make it even better. We drew a few different ideas on card to see if we liked any of them better. We looked at other brands and why they are so effective. Nike is a brilliant example and we all know the brand just by a simple tick design. We discussed colours in branding too and what different colours can represent.

Both Campaigns:
We all worked on creating and planning short pitches to present to Peabody.

I am ?:
We made lots of notes and presentation cards to show everyone so that they can understand what we are explaining and to make things more visual. We created scripts so that we could remember what we had to say and so that we sounded a lot more professional.

OD on Knowledge:
We prepared by writing a script with numbers on it and going through our presentation so that everyone could remember what they had to say. We felt a lot more prepared and knew that the script would make our pitch much more professional.

We all pitched our campaigns and got feedback individually after we had finished. Overall the pitches went really well, and a lot more thought out and planned since the last ones.

For next session everybody has to make sure that they have all participants of their campaigns added to their social networking sites and follow 5 relevant people/organisations.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Session 3 - Planning Our Campaigns And Budgeting - 24/2/12

We are working in smaller groups to create two campaigns. We spent today's session defining our campaigns, their elements, discussing our target audiences, budgets, roles/responsibilities and setting up our social networking presence for our campaigns.

Campaign group 1:

Group name: I am ?

Our campaign idea is:
To build a network of role models to take into schools, interview and promote. We will create a video to support our campaign in the form of a short film showing the 'choice' facing young shockz.

What we will do for our campaign:
- Get celebs to RT (retweet) our message looking for positive role models using the hash tag, #rolemodels on Twitter.
- We will approach Kane, Dappy, Femi, Adam Deacon to be our celeb role models
- Ask #rolemodels to send in video messages for our styled YouTube channel (we need a brief for this)
- Interview a high profile #rolemodel
- Make a 'best of' advert like, Don't mess with Texas
- Book school trips

Young Shockz video:
We will show the choice and consequences, also show how olders (older people) really feel about youngers (younger people), i.e, that they use them sometimes. It will be a three minute film.

- Meeting with role models - £130 travel, £130 food, £100 venue
- Branded sweaters - £200 - £97 for sweaters and £100 for printing
- Logo - £200
- Restyled YouTube channel - £200
- Photo shoot at college
- Film - sound person and professional videographer - £400 per day

Roles and responsibilities:
- Film - Ardi, Ayub and Abdul
- Story, location and casting - Natalie
- Story - All
- Twitter - Micha, Nicola, Peggy and Abena

Logins and Passwords:

Twitter: @iam_laswap - stayingsafe

Email: - stayingsafe

Campaign group 2:

Group name: Smoke Media - OD on Knowledge

Our campaign idea is:
We will create a short film that follows someone on a night out on drugs. We will then get the person in a controlled environment and film their reactions to the footage from their night out. If this doesn't work then we will use Stock footage and hire an actor to pretend they were the person on the night out and they will act out a shocked reaction to the footage. 

We will then get some wrist bands printed with our url on and take them to a festival or gig. We will hire some promotional girls to hand them out. There is an incentive for people to go to the web address, watch the video and then fill in the form after to win £200 worth of free gig tickets.

We want to gain a web presence on:
- YouTube
- Like and share the video on Facebook

We watched a video about a young guy who was followed by a camera crew on a night out and then shown the footage back and his reactions were filmed.

We used this video for inspiration, My Drunken Shame.

Discussing advertising, budget and promotion:
What we will need:
- Wristbands - £500 for 500
- We will look into the costs of getting a features ad on YouTube
- Events staff - £300
- We will create all of our own branding and logo
- We will need t-shirts with the logo on for the promoters - £50
- Ticket incentive - £200
- A release form for both the venue and for the person that we will be following
- Research into venues for a Friday or a Saturday night
- Camera person x 2 - £500
- Web coding - £300
- Domain name - £15

Job roles and responsibilities:
- Venue research - All
- Wrist band quotes - Zach and Kane
- Website tech research - this includes looking to web coding costs, features ad costs and buying and registering the domain names - Martin and Rhys

We finished the session by planning what research we needed to do for the next session and created our social media accounts.